
Things We Are Really Good At

The migration of the METTRACK database to the new METTEAM software will be done in the following steps:

This migration step can be performed both on-site and off-site (remote).



Perhaps you are still working with an old METTRACK system or you have a third-party database. We are happy to migrate your database to the new METTEAM environment in a Microsoft SQL format. This METTRACK to METTEAM migration is done with a proven conversion system that does not lose any of your old database. All data can be used again in the new environment.

After you have sent us your METTRACK database, you can continue working as usual in the “old” environment, until the new METTEAM database is fully functional. After this first migration-step, a second final migration always follows. See step 3 further down this page.

Please note that the database can expand in size up to 20 times as big depending on the amount of MET/CAL results data. The free Microsoft SQL Server Express does have a database size limit of 10 GB. In case the database goes over 10 GB the customer must make sure they have a fully licensed Microsoft SQL Server.


Uploading Database to METTEAM-Server

In the meantime we have installed the new METTEAM working environment. A working demo environment has already been created by our software engineer together with your IT department. See our software installation service for more information about this. The new migrated database is uploaded to Microsoft SQL in this test environment. You can still continue working in your old METTRACK system without any worries. You don’t have to worry about your license at this step either, because the migrated database has an extra test license that is valid for 60 days.


Customising METTEAM Database

During this 60-day test period you are expected to extensively test the new environment. Usually this step runs parallel to the METTEAM training that you can purchase together with the migration order. You can indicate which changes need to be made to the new database and even fields can be moved. You do this in close contact with the trainer and with our migration team. After we have implemented and tested all desired changes, the work in the old working environment will be frozen in consultation. A new download is made of the METTRACK database and it is migrated again, so that no data is lost during this phase. All desired changes from the test phase will also implemented immediately and this database is read into your Microsoft SQL Server again. This is when you have completely transitioned to the new environment. The old METTRACK environment may then no longer be used.


Migration METCAL Procedures

METCAL procedures you used in the past will not be lost. The new METCAL is compatible with the previous versions. However, the new version is not entirely identical to the old system. If you want to use all the possibilities of the current METCAL program, we advise you to follow the 3-day METCAL training. After this training you will be able to use all the functionalities of the program. Of course we will convert as many METCAL procedures as possible to the new METTEAM in consultation. This is part of the migration job. This step is a one-to-one migration. No procedures are rewritten.


Migration Crystal Reports

This step is not part of the standard migration order. The new METTEAM software comes with a whole series of standard forms that the client can use immediately without any changes. By simply adding the logo, you can add your own identity to it. You can do this in SAP’s Crystal Reports program, which is supplied as standard. Together with the purchase of METTEAM you receive a license of this program for your own use. In this program you can also make textual changes to the supplied report templates according to your own needs. If you want to learn all the ins and outs of the program in combination with METTEAM, we advise you to follow the 3-day Crystal reports training from Fluke Calibration. If you do not want to start it yourself, we can make you a non-binding offer to take this work off your hands.

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